Hansu lives at George Pearson Centre. She’s not an elderly senior, as is often assumed by many people when they think of long term care facilities. She is a vibrant adult, living her life like all of us — and her home is in a care facility with medical bells and equipment.
She moves around via a motorized wheelchair. She has some use of her hands, but not full use. Her mind is active — she enjoys many activities. You can learn more about what she enjoys and her experience living at Pearson in the video below.
The video was created by Hansu’s niece Kaija and her friend Emily. For the audio, Kaija interviewed Hansu over the phone. Then Kaija and her friend put together a video with Hansu’s voice mingling with animation. It’s both dreamy and grounded — an insight into Hansu’s life and perspective.
HANSU SOLO from kprsii on Vimeo.